
KangarooPC, Tethered USB Display

The KangarooPC is great for travel, its the size of an average cell phone, but it has no display. You can use your cell phone as a display with a short USB cable and the TwomonUSB app. But there are a few important details. Here is how to do that.

First TwomonUSB is a paid app which you must buy before you can trial it, but Google has made it easier to obtain a refund if you follow their terms regarding the limited time in which you can request a refund.

The TwomonUSB app is available in the Google playstore.

The KangarooPC comes preloaded with Windows 10 and makes the OSLinx program available for iOS, however that only works with Windows 10. It does not work with Windows 8.1 or earlier versions of the Windows operating system.

The TwomonUSB app requires the "Twomon PC Program" program be installed on the KangarooPC but it also works on earlier versions of Windows before Windows 10.

When the KangarooPC starts it must sign in and start the service program so that it can send the display to the USB port.

There are a couple ways to autostart, securely and non-securely.

KangarooPC has a fingerprint reader and can autologon at the touch of a finger to authenticate.

KangarooPC can simply autologon at start up.

The Twomon PC program has a setting for autostart which you can select to make sure it starts on logon.

The KPC will light the power circle on the device so you know when it is on, generally 20 seconds.

Then plugging in the USB Cable between the KPC and an Android device, you will need to start the [TwomonUSB app]  you can slide the autoconnect switch on the app to autoconnect or press the Connect button to begin displaying the KPC desktop.

To switch between the default [Extended display with a taskbar] to [Primary desktop] which are really Mirror and Extended screen displays. Place [three fingers] on the Android screen at one time, a transparent overlay menu will appear and say [TwomonUSB Screen 1] swipe to right [TwomonUSB Extension] or swipe left, then tap the image of the screen, it will un-dim and switch to that mode.

The TwomonUSB app does not carry sound from the KPC to your Android device over the USB cable.

The TwomonUSB app does use the Touch input from the Android device for positioning the mouse [however BE AWARE] the mouse position is "Offset" from its actual location such that the mouse appears in one place on the Android device, but in reality is actually advanced 1/2 icon size higher and farther to the left, so you need to position the mouse cursor that you see 1/2 icon size up and left [before] a Menu button or Hyperlink will actually be activated by a tap for a click.

Pinch to collapse the screen or squish it smaller.

Spread-pinch to expand and zoom the screen and make it larger.

The resolution of the Windows desktop can be changed using normal windows shortcuts  or context menus.

A good resolution on the Nexus 5X is 1334 x 750 there is a trade off between resolution and screen speed, and readability. As there is also a need for a decent resolution in the vertical to reach buttons and menus that some programs or webpages position very far below the visible screen.

The Windows onscreen keyboard is usable, however I use a Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard over bluetooth and Logitech M557 bluetooth mouse,

If you use the Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard you may notice some keys are missing like PrintScreen, you can use the SharpKeys program from CodePlex to manually re-map a keyboard combo like [Fn]+[-] to simulate a PrintScreen key press, and it will work with other combo key combinations like [ALT]+[PrtScrn] like you would expect.