
OSX, extracting active IP and MAC

A bash one liner to extract some useful info

Lists all the interfaces as input to a bash for-each loop, then looks at the ifconfig output for each interface to find an "active" interface, then parses the ifconfig output (again) for the same interface looking for a key, then outputs only the value for that key.

Messy, but useful

I like to think of it as [horizontal] programming as opposed to [vertical] programming.

JMBP13M2012:~ jwillis$ for i in `ifconfig -l` ; do x=$(ifconfig "$i") && x=${x#*status: } && echo ${x%% *} | grep ^active > /dev/null && y=$(ifconfig $i) && y=${y#*inet } && echo ${y%% *} ; done

JMBP13M2012:~ jwillis$ for i in `ifconfig -l` ; do x=$(ifconfig "$i") && x=${x#*status: } && echo ${x%% *} | grep ^active > /dev/null && y=$(ifconfig $i) && y=${y#*ether } && echo ${y%% *} ; done

sw_vers -productVersion

sw_vers -buildVersion

x=$(sysctl -a | grep kern.boottime | head -n 1) && x=${x#*= } && echo ${x%% * }
Sun May 18 23:45:53 2014